Fireproof coatings to protect the wood from floors, walls and ceilings against fire, with European certification CS2D0 / BS2D0 / BFLS1. Flame retardant coatings Euroclasses.
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Fireproof for wood
Fireproof coatings reaction to fire

Fireproof coatings – Reaction to fire
Range of flame retardant coatings with a moderate emission of smoke and no droplets or inflamed particles.

Clear water base fireproof varnish BS2D0
Clear water base fireproof varnish, for varnishing boards for walls and ceilings coatings. It’s a process which counts with a unique product which is used as sealer and topcoat. It is commercialized in two grades of different gloss, matt and satin. These two topcoats can be mixed together to achieve gloss intermediate grades.
Parquet water base fireproof varnish
Parquet water base matt fireproof topcoat, bicomponents which provides movies of excelent wear resistance as well as a good chemical resistance to domestic use products. Provides the advantages of two different tecnologies: water and polyurethane.. 700600 TEKFOC Parquet Topcoat AG 600 Matt.
Clear polyurethane fireproof process CS2D0
Transparent polyurethane process to protect wood against fire. Process is made up of two layers: a first layer of polyurethane sealer and a second layor of polyurethane topcoat which can be commercialized in different gloss grades; super matt, matt and high gloss. This sealers can be mixtured between them to achieve intermediate gloss grades.. 120140 TEKFOC PU Topcoat 140 Fireproof Matt./ 120141 TEKFOC PU Topcoat 141 Fireproof High Gloss.
White polyurethane fireproof process CS2D0 CS2D0
White polyurethane process to protect wood against fire. Process is made up of two layers: a first layer of white polyurethane sealer and a second layer of white polyurethane topcoat which can be commercialized in different gloss grades and in any color of the RAL and NCS charts. This sealers can be mixtured between them to achieve intermediate gloss grades.161540 TEKFOC PU White Topcoat 540 fireproof Super Matt./ 161543 TEKFOC PU White Topcoat 543 fireproof High Gloss.
White water base fireproof varnish BS2D0
White fireproof varnish to water for varnishing boards for walls and ceilings coatings. Process counts with two layers: a first layer as a sealer and a second layer as a topcoat which can be commercialized in different gloss grades and in any color of the RAL and NCS charts..270240 TEKFOC White Sealer 240 Fireproof, 270540 TEKFOC White Topcoat AG540 Fireproof Matt.
Reaction to fire
As established in the Real Decree 312/2005, of contruction products application and contruction elements, reaction to fire evaluates capacity of a material to favor the development of a fire and indicates whether the product is flammable or nonflammable.
Material is classified by assigning one of the following classes, also called Euroclasses, according to flammability and contributing to fire: A1, A2, B, C, D, E and F, in the case of floor coatings subscript FL must be added.
In walls and ceilings coatings Euroclass comes up defined by three parameters:
- A first letter (A1, A2, B, C, D, E and F) which indicates reaction to fire from the materials in terms of flammability, flame development, etc.
- A second parameter indicative of the fume opacity grade (s1, s2 and s3).
- Another therd parameter indicative of the drop or particle nature pulled of in it's case (d0, d1 and d2).
Meanwhile, floor coatings stay defined by, only, two parameters: a first leter (A1fl, A2fl, Bfl, Cfl, Dfl, Efl and Ffl) and a second relative to fumes produced (s1 and s2), similar to walls and ceilings coatings case.